Fantastic Caverns Adventure Tour offers enrichment opportunities

Cub Scouts and participants of a new gifted outreach project got a sneak-peek of the upcoming art, science and history program coming to Fantastic Caverns called Adventure Tour. This was an opportunity for enrichment for the kids, and allowed the team at Fantastic Caverns to practice the program before its launch.
On a Saturday in December 2018, Fantastic Caverns' Science Program put on a sneak-peek Adventure Tour for Cub Scout Pack 546 of Forsyth, Missouri, and participants of the Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) new gifted outreach project, called GOAL.
The importance of educational enrichment
GOAL, or the Gifted Objectives Accelerating Learning, project is based out of the OACAC Greene County Center. Developed to address educational disparities and bridge gaps, particularly in the field of gifted educational programming, GOAL partners students with mentors who provide guidance and advocacy. As part of the project, students, families, and mentors make real-world connections and gain knowledge about giftedness. Collaborative partners of the GOAL project include Missouri State University, Discovery Center, Republic School District, Fair Grove School District, Fantastic Caverns, FosterAdopt Connect, Boys & Girls Clubs, parents, and community members. One way for participants of the project to make connections and gain knowledge is through monthly enrichment activities. The rehearsal of Fantastic Caverns’ Adventure Tour acted as December’s enrichment activity and provided an opportunity for the children of both groups to gain new educational experiences.

Cub Scouts and GOAL participants helped rehearse Adventure Tour, Fantastic Caverns’ special educational program
Cub Scout Pack 546 and participants of the new gifted outreach project got a sneak-peek of the art, science and history program available at Fantastic Caverns called Adventure Tour. Not only is this an opportunity for enrichment for the kids, the two groups’ participation allowed the team at Fantastic Caverns to finesse the details of the program before its launch.

Fantastic Caverns’ Underground Classroom helps cement learning through unique experiences
The Cub Scouts and OACAC’s GOAL participants learned how people used caves throughout time. Each group worked together to unearth clues of what life was like for early humans. They excavated a simulated fire pit and identified the objects they uncovered, piecing together a story of ancient life around the fire. They also explored the various ways people would have started fires; they tried rubbing sticks together, striking flint pieces and using a fire-bow. The students then discussed what advantages existed to early people by having access to the fire. They also discussed the advantages of ancient people having access to caves for both shelter and security.

Exploring ancient methods of art expression
The two groups discovered that caves were more than just shelters; they could also be canvases. Ancient art expression provides a unique glimpse into the past. And cave art is one of the best examples of ancient art. Cave art recreations from around the world were setup in Fantastic Caverns’ Underground Classroom for the two groups to review and inspect. Both the Cub Scouts and GOAL students discussed what ancient people would have used for paint, and what significance the paintings might have had then and currently have today. Then both groups tried their hand at creating their own cave art as a group.

What is Adventure Tour
Adventure Tour is a limited-time educational experience offered through Fantastic Caverns' Science Program. The focus of the program is to highlight the connections between people and caves. This is a 90-minute, student-focused program with 30 minutes of hands-on activities at Fantastic Caverns’ Underground Classroom. The program was designed and developed for school, scout and other student groups, applying directly to history, art and cave science.
When is Adventure Tour Available
Fantastic Caverns’ Adventure Tour is available as a limited-time program on select dates. Twenty participants are required to book the program, and each session is limited to no more than 60 people maximum. Reservations are required for this active learning experience. Book Adventure Tour today and discover humanity’s historic and prehistoric relationships with caves.
About the Author

Director of Marketing
Hubert Heck is the Director of Marketing for Fantastic Caverns